Melbourne Meeples

Melbourne’s biggest community-run board gaming organisation, providing opportunities to its members and the broader community to discover, play and experience board games since 2014.

About Us

Melbourne Meeples Inc. is an Australian not for profit incorporated association dedicated to providing opportunities to its members and to the general community to play and experience a range of board games.

During the year, Melbourne Meeples Inc. present:

  • Regular board game events such as NSEG, Board in the East, Board in West, and more.
  • Semi-regular female focused social game days as The Devonshire Society
  • Annual conventions such as Meeplecon and OzBunnyCon
  • Special events such as Melbourne Board Game Market

Become a Member

Melbourne Meeples Incorporated was incorporated in 2014 and is still going strong.
Why not consider becoming a member!

Image of board game on the table

Free Entry to Regular Game Days

Access to Games Library

Voting rights at Melbourne Meeples AGM

Melbourne Meeples Membership

Discounts at Partner Retailers

Discount at Cons and more Events

Choose Games for Library

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Every Second Sunday, we gather in The Croxton’s bistro to play some boardgames

DEvonshire Society

Monthly boardgames event focused at women and non-binaries.

Board in the west

Every First Friday, join us at Point Cook’s Community Centre to play board games

Board in the East

Every Second Friday, join us at Amaroo Community Centre to play board games

board to death

Every Third Thursday, Join us for some games in Coburg

Games after dark

Every Fourth Friday, we meet at Watsonia Library to play board games


Melbourne’s Biggest Boardgaming Convention.
A weekend of boardgames, tournaments, demos and more.


Our Annual Easter Boardgaming Convention.
Just board games over Easter Long Weekend .

Melbourne Board Game market

An annual event connecting boardgaming community – designers, publishers, and more.

Extraordinary Awards

Melbourne Meeples is a participating in the Extraordinary Awards and that means that all it's members are eligible to nominate games that will form part of the Melbourne Meeples nomination for the awards. The awards come in two flavours, 'most popular' for games that were released at any time and 'Best new' for games released in 2015.

Annual General Meeting 2015

It hardly feels like a year has gone by and yet it has. So its time for the Annual General Meeting of Melbourne Meeples. The AGM will be held at…

Podcast Watch: June 2015

In case you missed it, here's a sample of some of the Australian podcast episodes from June (or episodes about Australians)... Most of these were about Kickstarter and BorderCon...