You are currently viewing 2024/25 Annual General Meeting Minutes

2024/25 Annual General Meeting Minutes

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held online on Monday 8th July at 8pm.

Committee Members

PresidentChris Ingold
Vice-PresidentSonika Balyan
SecretaryStuart Bettiss
TreasurerMathew Utting
General Committee MembersJennie Florez
Francois Grobler

Draft meeting minutes are below.


  1. Welcome 
  1. Apologies 
Attendees: Mathew Utting, Melissa Gilbert, Tamara Price, Ben Frayle, Chris Ingold, Jennie Florez, Francois Grobler, Sonika Balyan, Stuart Bettiss
  1. Quorum Check

Quorum is 10% of members – quorum was present – 9 of 63 current members attended.

  1. Acceptance of the previous AGM Minutes

Previous Minutes from 17th July 2023 were read. 

o Motion: Acceptance of last AGM minutes from 17th  July 2023 

Moved by Chris Ingold and seconded by Jennie Florez. Motion Passed. 

  1. Committee Report
    1. President’s Report
    • Board to Death has replaced Audacious Games as regular event
    • Games After Dark has started
    • 2 high profile events, Melbourne International Games Week and Dramhack
    • 10th Anniversary of MeepleCon
    • Thanks for retiring long term committee members Melissa Gilbert and Tamara Price
  1. Secretary’s Report
    • 82 active members – most membership ever
    • The committee was able to meet 18 times 
    • Improving our communication systems
    • Already have 63 paid members for the new membership year
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • The 2023/24 period saw growth from Special Events (Big Games Night Out [Melbourne International Games Week] and Dreamhack) and increased memberships.
  • The association has cash reserves of $22,874.36 (up from $15,746.83 as at 30 June 2023) with $0 liabilities.  

Income and Expenditure

Income and Expenditure 2023/24
  1. Acceptance of the association’s financial statements for 2023-2024

o Motion: Acceptance of committee reports and Financial Statement
Moved by Matt Utting and seconded by Chris Ingold. Motion Passed.

  1. Election of Committee 
    1. Election of President
  • Chris Ingold nominated by Jennie Florez, seconded by Francois Grobler.
    Chris Ingold was elected unopposed.
  1. Election of Vice President
  • Sonika Balyan nominated by Chris Ingold, seconded by Jennie Florez.
    Sonika Balyan was elected unopposed.
  1. Election of Secretary
  • Stuart Bettiss nominated by Jennie Florez, seconded by Francois Grobler.
    Stuart Bettiss was elected unopposed.
  1. Election of Treasurer
  • Mathew Utting nominated by Tamara Price, seconded by Chris Ingold.
    Mathew Utting was elected unopposed.
  1. Election of General Committee Members
  • Jennie Florez nominated by Chris Ingold, seconded by Francois Grobler. 
  • Francois Grobler nominated by Jennie Florez, seconded by Stuart.
    Motion: Accept Jennie and Francois as general committee members, Chris and Francois
    Motion passed.
  1.  Membership Fee 2024/2025 Year
Membership Fee
Full 2025/2026 year$55
Post MeepleCon 2025/2026$35
Post BunnyCon 2025/2026 and Full year 2026/27$70

o Motion: Fees for 2025/26 year as proposed in table above.
Moved by Chris Ingold and seconded by Francois. Motion Passed. 

  1. General Business
    1. None
  1. Closure

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