Melbourne Meeples Inc
Melbourne Meeples Inc. is an Australian not for profit incorporated association dedicated to providing opportunities to its members and to the general community to play and experience a range of board games.
About Us
Melbourne Meeples Inc. is an Australian not for profit incorporated association dedicated to providing opportunities to its members and to the general community to play and experience a range of board games.
During the year, Melbourne Meeples Inc. present:
- Regular board game events such as NSEG, Board in the East, Board in West, and more.
- Semi-regular female focused social game days as The Devonshire Society
- Annual conventions such as Meeplecon and OzBunnyCon
- Special events such as Melbourne Board Game Market
Become a Member
Melbourne Meeples Incorporated was incorporated in 2014 and is still going strong.
Why not consider becoming a member!

Free Entry to Regular Game Days
Access to Games Library
Voting rights at Melbourne Meeples AGM

Discounts at Partner Retailers
Discount at Cons and more Events
Choose Games for Library

Annual General Meeting 2024-25
The Melbourne Meeples Inc General Annual Meeting is being held online on Monday 15th of July at 8pm. If you would like to nominate for one if the elected positions, discuss…
Melbourne Board Game Market 2024 Recap
We had a fantastic board game market this year with over 900 games in the Bring & Buy and some great publishers and designers. Sadly not all could be there…
Evergreen Games
You came, you played, you donated, and just blew our minds. We were thrilled to welcome 60 wonderful participants at the Clyde Hotel on May 4th. The day was filled…