Podcast Watch: July 2015

In case you missed it, here’s a sample of some of the Australian podcast episodes from July…

Please note, none of the below podcasts were created by Melbourne Meeples, contact the appropriate podcasters to give them amazing feedback!

dicemencometh-logo-150x150The DiceMen Cometh #79 (Jul 28)
The DiceMen interview Craig Judd of PowerFrame RPG Fame.
avatar_3b0a7bc67958_128Embassy Cast #13 (Jul 17)
Rok and Tim discus the Voyages of Marco Polo and BorderCon
dicemencometh-logo-150x150The DiceMen Cometh #78 (Jul 17)
The DiceMen talk about scale
nqCBow-4_400x400Action Points Podcast #95 (Jul 14)
The Ask Aaron Anything episode
nqCBow-4_400x400Action Points Podcast #94 (Jul 7)
The Action Points team play party games (including Cards Against Humanity)
dicemencometh-logo-150x150The DiceMen Cometh #76 (Jul 3)
The DiceMen compare Suburbia and Castles of Mad King Ludwig.


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