Table of Contents
Committee Purpose
The committee sets the strategy for the group and makes certain decisions. The committee reports to members, who vote on certain decisions (like whether to change the rules of the group). The committee is also responsible for reporting to the government about the group’s activities.
Composition of Committee (from Rules of Association 44)
The Committee consists of—
- a President; and
- a Vice-President; and
- a Secretary; and
- a Treasurer; and
- ordinary members (if any) elected.
Committee Member Expectations
General Duties (from Rules of Association 45)
- As soon as practicable after being elected or appointed to the Committee, each committee member must become familiar with these Rules and the Act.
- The Committee is collectively responsible for ensuring that the Association complies with the Act and that individual members of the Committee comply with these Rules.
- Committee members must exercise their powers and discharge their duties with reasonable care and diligence.
- Committee members must exercise their powers and discharge their duties—
- in good faith in the best interests of the Association; and
- for a proper purpose.
- Committee members and former committee members must not make improper use of—
- their position; or
- information acquired by virtue of holding their position—
so as to gain an advantage for themselves or any other person or to cause detriment to the Association.
- In addition to any duties imposed by these Rules, a committee member must perform any other duties imposed from time to time by resolution at a general meeting.
Melbourne Meeples Duties
All committee members are required to:
- Attend committee meetings regularly
- Perform tasks and investigations regarding items of interest for Melbourne Meeples
- Provide input into decisions in a constructive manner
- Obtain and maintain a Working With Children Check within 3 months of the committee
- Assist with the running of Melbourne Meeples events, including activities such as preparation, planning, communications, setup, door duty, running games/events and pack up
- Advance and uphold the reputation of Melbourne Meeples
General Duties (from Rules of Association 46)
- the President or, in the President’s absence, the Vice-President is the Chairperson for any general meetings and for any committee meetings.
- If the President and the Vice-President are both absent, or are unable to preside, the Chairperson of the meeting must be—
- in the case of a general meeting—a member elected by the other members present; or
- in the case of a committee meeting—a committee member elected by the other committee members present.
Melbourne Meeples Duties
The president should:
- Be well informed of the associations activities
- Be aware of the future direction of the association and its members
- Have a good working knowledge of the Rules and the responsibilities of all committee members
- Represent the organisation at local, regional, state and national levels
- Be a supportive leader for the association and its members
- Act as a facilitator for association activities
General Duties (from Rules of Association 47)
- The Secretary must perform any duty or function required under the Act to be performed by the secretary of an incorporated association.
Example, Under the Act, the secretary of an incorporated association is responsible for lodging documents of the association with the Registrar.
- The Secretary must—
- maintain the register of members in accordance with rule 18; and
- keep custody of the common seal (if any) of the Association and, except for the financial records, all books, documents and securities of the Association; and
- subject to the Act and these Rules, provide members with access to the register of members, the minutes of general meetings and other books and documents; and
- perform any other duty or function imposed on the Secretary by these Rules.
- The Secretary must give to the Registrar notice of his or her appointment within 14 days after the appointment.
Melbourne Meeples Duties
The secretary/ public officer is primarily responsible for managing the records of the incorporated association.
The secretary will also:
- Take and keep minutes for the associations’ meetings
- Keep a register of members
- Provide appropriate notice to members for meetings
- Call and convene special general meetings
- Arrange meeting venues and prepare agendas
- Coordinate any correspondence or reports to be presented at meetings
- Circulate minutes of meetings to members
- Complete any actions arising from meetings that require correspondence
- Receive all the associations’ correspondence and raise urgent matters with the president or treasurer if necessary.
General Duties (from Rules of Association 48)
- The Treasurer must—
- receive all moneys paid to or received by the Association and issue receipts for those moneys in the name of the Association; and
- ensure that all moneys received are paid into the account of the Association within 5 working days after receipt; and
- make any payments authorised by the Committee or by a general meeting of the Association from the Association’s funds; and
- ensure cheques are signed by at least 2 committee members.
- The Treasurer must—
- ensure that the financial records of the Association are kept in accordance with the Act; and
- coordinate the preparation of the financial statements of the Association and their certification by the Committee prior to their submission to the annual general meeting of the Association.
- The Treasurer must ensure that at least one other committee member has access to the accounts and financial records of the Association.
Melbourne Meeples Duties
The treasurer is responsible for the financial management of the incorporated association. The treasurer will:
- Keep and maintain an asset register
- Manage the petty cash balance and ensure the petty cash book is kept up-to-date
- Keep all documentation for payments including receipts, invoices and statements
- Keep and maintain the incorporated association’s deposit and cheque books
- Ensure all payments are approved or ratified by the management committee and are recorded in the minutes
- Keep either a receipt book of consecutively numbered receipts, or computer system records of them.
- Melbourne Meeples Inc will maintain a library of board games. The Quartermaster will keep the list up to date on BGG
- The Quartermaster will be assigned a budget by the Committee with which to purchase board games to add to the library. The Quartermaster will consult with the members and/or the committee when choosing games
- The Quartermaster will designate games no longer to be part of the library for the Committee to dispose of.
- Games may be borrowed from the quartermaster
- The Quartermaster keeps track of borrowed games.